Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Love to Hate It

Just now, I feel a need to write. I'm sure everyone is thinking "Oh sage of the keyboard, what inspires thee?" Seeing as you were all so kind: The advertisement at the top of my buddy list. Has anyone seen it today? Looks good, huh? O no. I just realized it changes....well it isn't the advertisement about the Jetta that is on right now. No. It is for that new show The Beauty and the Geek. I am gonna have to watch that.

Yes, I admit it, I get sucked into stupid reality shows like that. Especially during the summer. I only watched American Idol this year, last year it was American Idol and Average Joe. I loved Average Joe. In fact, somehow I loved it even though I hated it.


Let me just tell you how much I hated Average Joe. The basic premise of the show was that all these "average" looking guys lived in one house and competed for the love of one beautiful girl. Each week she votes a few out of the house. Sounds good, right? Sure, until half way through they bring in these hot guys. Of the 2 seasons I have watched, the girl has ended choosing between an average guy and a hot guy. Can you imagine who wins? Hotness. ALWAYS. Makes me so mad. They end up breaking the relationship off in the next few weeks after they get back from whatever trip they win together. The girl then cries about how she should have chosen the other guy.

After the first season, my mother and I sat stunned on the couch. "We are never watching this stupid show AGAIN!" we said. Next season, there we sat, amazed when the girl again choose the hot guy. I was amazed that the hot guy won (so gullible to NBC's trickery). Of course, for the 2nd season they had to have something new so this time, the girl had a secret from her past. She could only tell the guy who won. After she told him, he dumped her. Does anyone know what that secret was? I do. She use to date Fabio. Who breaks up with someone because of that?! I started laughing when I saw her tell the guy on TV during the finale. How does that make someone mad? "I am never watching that show AGAIN!"

I heard the next season is coming out soon.

Anyway. I think I am gonna have to watch this Beauty and the Geek. It sounds about the same. Only on the advertisement I didn't see anyone ugly. I am sure I will be just as mad at the end. Why do I get so wound up about a stupid show? And then, I watch it again, even though in the back of my head I know it will end the same.

Girls are stupid.

Do guys get wrapped up in these shows? I can just see guys sitting at home with popcorn watching Average Joe saying "I am never watching this again! Why wouldn't she pick the smart, ugly guy. I am never gonna get married."

I mean, that is what I do. Well, not when watching Average Joe, but when I see other shows with all those pretty girls. "Its hopeless," I think.

Sort of like being on the cruise. That much prettiness should not be allowed in one place.

Why do we watch these things that make us feel bad. Or maybe I am the only one who feels bad after watching these things. Regardless, why do I watch them. I could be....reading a book, or ah, writing a blog entry on the stuff I did that day. Something. But NO, I get sucked in every time.

I'm gonna work hard not to get pulled in this summer. Maybe I will run more (or at all), so I look like people that I am not watching on the TV.

I just went to The Beauty and the Geek website, I have never seen such good-looking geeks. It could be a good summer.

Senior Scandal

(Scandal is one of those things that can be relative.)

No, I am not going to start with the scandal part first. For my brain's sake alone. The scandal didn't start until, oh say the 2nd or 3rd night of the cruise. So, I have to go in chronological order or I will just screw things up.

Now that I have everyone's attention (and a few people going "cruise?") I can start. My mother, friend Tiffany and I left on Wednesday afternoon for Jacksonville, Florida so we could hop on the Carnival Celebration (perfect name, huh?). After a rough afternoon of getting orders mixed up at a fast food place, and having to fight off the middle school-ers when we dumped my little brother at my dad's work, we made it on the road around 1pm.

We drove. A bunch.

We got to our hotel in Savannah, Georgia around dinner time and we were quite hungry and seeing as we had a gift certificate to Olive Garden, we asked for directions there. "Not far at all" the woman behind the counter said, "go to exit 109 and turn left at the end of the ramp and you will see it. Ten minutes, fifteen max." An hour later we were in the middle of nowhere. We ended up eating at some pizza place....later we found the Olive Garden on a map....in the opposite direction.

The next day it was time to strap on the feedbag! If you have never been on a cruise, you have no idea on how much food you eat while on board. Three words: twenty-four hour pizza.

I would have to say the highlights of the cruise, other than constant food, was watching other people. At dinner, the tables behind us were filled with a group of high school reunion-ers. Only the 2nd time I went up and down the stairs (estimation of stair climbs: 400) I got a hug and what seemed to be a...well...offer from a shirtless, cowboy-hat-wearin' high school graduate. And who can forget the wonderful dancers that first day!? Now, there were bad dancers everywhere, but on the first day they all congregated on the lido deck. That could quite possibly have been the most entertaining thing to watch (giving tough competition to the men's hairy-chest contest). The only good dancer that day was the guy with 2 drinks in his hand! And let's not forget to thank that college baseball team for showing up...

Overall, I would say it went well. O, but everyone is still captivated by the thought of the words "scandal" and "Emily/Emoney." I'm getting there.

I would like to point out that I am still 17 (and I actually danced to my song!), therefore, I was not gambling. But Tiffany did make it to the finals of the slot tournament! She even got a free key chain (and free is hard to come by). Also, she could go to the "Wild and Crazy Singles Meet and Greet" (but she didn't) and the "R" rated comedy shows, and the disco. I, on the other hand, was either left out in the heat, had to go to the teen stuff, or....( da da dada) had to sneak in! Yeah, Carnival, just because you are wearing a college shirt doesn't mean you are that old. Actually, it wasn't that hard. I just made sure I wore "older looking" outfits. Basically hoochie. Thats it. No, I didn't sneak into the casino, that was too scandalous. But I got into the disco and comedy shows. Aren't you proud? I am. Especially after I got my hair cut.

Why yes. I left that part out. Surprise! My hair is shorter than it use to be! Much, actually. Now it seems to have a style, imagine that. I like it. It is very layered with the longest part down to my shoulders and the shortest around my ears. Only draw back is that it makes me look younger...something hard to achieve. But it looked nice on formal night. Have I told you I like it?

What else? Probably nothing that would be interesting to read on. I ate, a lot. I got burnt. I had a drunk guy ask me "Just because I am drunk, does that make me a bad person?" No, of course not. I had a virgin strawberry daiquiri, 2 actually. Now I am beating myself for that. I gained sooo much weight. By the end of the cruise, the last dress I had no longer fit. Eek, I really like that dress too.

So I had a great time. Just a few mental breakdowns from seeing all those pretty girls with all those pretty boys, but other than that I was fine. I am not delving into that yet because I don't feel the need quite yet. And I don't want to cry. So, I got a sunburn, a new purse, a few extra pounds, and it was tons of fun. Despite the fact that I am dog tired having driven all the way home today and I still feel like I am rocking from side to side, girl cruises are fun!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Rest Ahead?

Whoa. What a week. You would think all I would have to say would be about graduation (which was awesome indoors!)...but it isn't! Yes, because along with graduation there were parties, practices, exams, and award ceremonies to go to. I can easily say that it was one of the most exhausting weeks. My aunts came in from Chicago on Thursday after the Senior awards day (where I got a scholarship!). We spent the rest of the time getting dressed up and down as well as getting ready for the party at my house Saturday evening.

Oh yeah, and for the first time, I got roses! Two sets, actually!

Graduation practice on Friday was quick and painless. I might have done something after that but I can't remember. Saturday was an early morning and a fight for a good parking spot/seat. Very luckily, my parents just happened to sit in the same row I did and, with a little previous guidance ("sit on the left"), they were about 7 feet from me. We have awesome pictures. Graduation went well, no speeches were too long and they even pronounced my name correctly. It went 2 hours, which, as you can imagine, was hard for my brother to sit though. After graduation we spent the afternoon getting ready for the party. We have tons of food left and it was lots of fun. That night some friends and I drove to Greensboro to go contra-dancing. My feet definitely hurt the next day, but I headed off to church for graduation Sunday. I also had to go to the Writers' Guild ceremony. It wasn't as long as I expected. Everyone got their picture taken for the paper and I am standing in the line with all the elementary school winners. Later, while the person complimented me on my speaking skills, someone asked if I was the 8th grade award winner.

I was even wearing a fancy dress.

Oh well, when I am 30 I will look like I am 25! Especially because I don't think I am growing any more.

So it was a crazy weekend, and I am really tired.

But I am sure I will get plenty of rest on the senior cruise...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

All Kinds of Seniors

"A face everyone can love" (I'm sure my brother was referring to me...) Posted by Hello

A face only a sister could love. Posted by Hello

Oh, how cute! Posted by Hello

Top of the class, I'm sure. Posted by Hello

So, while I am only going off to college, my brother, Mitchell (or Mitch-the-itch as we like to call him), is making the big transition to middle school. Ah yes, I remember those days, a time of prison-like structure, shrieking bells, and little kids with big attitudes.

This is his "senior year" so to say, a very important one I am sure. Today, all the 5th graders at his school went bowling and then out to eat at the Mexican restaurant. Seeing as I had exams and got out at 11:15, I went and met him. Apparently, he was wayyy too cool for my mom and I to sit with him, but I did get some awesome pictures. Later I got him out early from school, so I think that qualifies me as the best sister on the Earth. Anyway, though I was shunned by a 5th grader, I still had a pretty good time and eventually Mitchell was over by me a whole bunch to take pictures.

I offered Mitchell a chance to dictate to me anything, but he wasn't creative enough. He said something about having a "good time, so there!" Anyway, does anyone have any advice for Mitch-the-itch's big transition? Leave a good inspirational comment to embarrass him!

Congrats to all the seniors, everywhere.

Friday, May 13, 2005

The Glory Days

I know I will look back at this and say "ahhh, the glory days!" Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Something, Anything

I'm sitting down to write a blog entry.

I don't exactly know what to write, I have been thinking about this for several days.

If I can't think of a specific topic to write on, I just never find the motivation to blog.

Ok, here we go...

I keep getting distracted, but anyway. So I have had some pretty neat things happen the past few days. I got a letter in the mail just the other day. I expected it to be a graduation announcement or an invitation, something of the sort. But what I opened it up the card said:
"Davidson County Writer's Guild
Emily "
Turns out, I won 1st place in 12th grade prose. I didn't enter because I really wanted to, just because my teacher made all the AP students enter something in the contest ( as well as North Davidson's first literary magazine). I just handed in my essay on my church camp (the best place in the world!!!). Anyway, I won beating out the other 31 AP students from North.
How? Good question. It was so sappy and short. I wrote it to send to colleges for my "personal statement."
I probably won because I talked about church.
Anyway, I must have some writing ability to win. Analyzing my own writing style, I would say that my abundance of simple sentences adds to the theme of.... well, my overall work. Yes, that is probably why I won. Simple sentences and theme, something like that.
So, I guess I get to add this to my list of Honors and Awards. I think this one takes the cake. It is gonna go just above "Davidson Soil and Water Conservation Essay Girl." Guess they really truly like me here in good ol' Davidson County (even though they can't pronounce my last name).
Seriously, I am glad I won, I wasn't expecting it. I never really consider myself a great writer or anything. It was a great day after I came home and found that out.
I think I even get $15! And I get to go to a banquet and read my essay.
Other things that have happened: yearbooks (a whoping 10 picture of me!) O, and special note my mother does love me. On my senior page the message ends "Love, Dad and Mitchell" They typo-ed out my mothers name. She is the one who wrote the message! She was a little upset.
What else, what else? I got a scholarship. After applying for probably 30 I got one from the Southern Conference UCC Women. I thank them very much. And I will be going to Catawba College in June sometime to accept it.
I guess that is about enough exciting stuff. I gotta get to an eyebrow appointment.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Salt and Sugar

Responding to a comment made by a comrade of mine (who buy the way is a loyal reader) some time ago I have this to say.
Considering the source from which this comment comes from, I can only imagine the sick sad world you thrive in. In which all things must go your way or the whole world suffers your terrible wrath. You have your on set way the world must go, your views and opinions are that of a person on a ego high. A person like you has one really big problem, once someone rubbs you the wrong way your fangs stick out and any one dumb enough to get to close gets bitten. You condem people for there past mistakes nad consantly remind them of there past. You cant even deffend your in a disscusionabout your self without the support of a mob around you, and to top it all off you wont even confront me face to face to bash me. (wait I doing that, I'll get bashed anyway when i get to school )

I guess the point Im trying to drive down is Three things:
One: Stay outa my life and let me live it my on way.
Two: Her name is Kelly and she goes to East.
Three: Some people look beyond my past and see me for the peron I'm trying to be.


Не был в состоянии сопротивлять

Здравствулте! мои друзья, здравствулте! мои друзья, подача если вы не замечали уже, то, это blog находятся в совсем испанском. Я делаю это на 2 причины одна, котор я должен сделать гречиху tictac вне Emily и другая так, что моя практика чонсервной банкы увидеть следуя за испанский язык потому что я так имею thats года испанского языка II причина с исключением я не имею что-нибыдь сказать мир так.


El olor de la carne de los procesos

Hola mi amigos,

Hola mis amigos, Mane si usted no han notado ya, este blog está en todo español. Estoy haciendo esto por dos razones una debo hacer tictac el crap fuera de Emily y el otro es de modo que pueda practicar mi ver español pues tengo thats siguientes del año del español II tan la razón con excepción de ése que no tengo nada decir tan paz.

-- Neko

P.S. http://babelfish.altavista.com/ If you're curios

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Raises Arms Up and Stretches Out

Today I had my AP English exams. I can't say much, but it was difficult. It was very hard to write for 2 straight hours. But the weird thing was...I was half looking forward to it. It is a gigantic weight off my shoulders. I have been spending so much time studying and worrying that I could feel my heart pounding at the beginning of the test. I calmed down so it got better, but I am happy it's over.

My English class all met at a restaurant this morning and just relaxed before the exam. Afterward most of us went out to a Mexican Restaurant. I didn't go back for my last class, instead I went and visited the Kindergarteners that I interned with first semester. They had grown so much!

After the exam I felt so much better. While I don't know if I passed (highly unlikely anyway), at least I won't be stressing over it anymore. I have a week of class and I know I can spend it not having literary devices or multiple choice questions pounded into my brain. It's nice. (O! and look I just used a short sentence to emphasize how "nice" it was) I'm sorry, I am still recovering from a year of AP.

I've had enough writing for one day. Last year, after taking the AP US History exam, I came out with a terrible feeling.....in July I found out I passed with a 4 (grades range from 1-5, 3 is "passing" at most colleges). This year I came out with a "that wasn't too hard" feeling. That probably isn't good.

Monday, May 02, 2005

An Explanation

So, the post that I just posted...yeah, it isn't my normal. It was my first attempt at an essay for a scholarship. If figure that only every senior at NDHS will be applying, so I had to make it creative in some way. If the committee reads it and doesn't like it, at least they will get a good laugh (at me).

Sappy, Yet Satisfying

I was asked recently in an interview "If you could do high school all over again, what would you do differently?"

"Ah!" I thought, what do I say? What have I gained from high school that I wish I had gained just a bit sooner? Book smarts? Arguably, but that doesn't make for a good answer...."ah I would have been a better student." No, you can not say that in an interview. But than I realized what I have gotten from high school. I have gained confidence. Perfect answer right? Well, maybe not, but it was the one I used, "If I could go through high school again, I would have started out with more confidence would have been the active, open person I am today from the beginning."

Sounds like a good answer. In fact, it probably was. However, the more I think about it, the more my answer was incorrect. I never could have started at North Davidson High with the confidence I have now, but that doesn't mean I could not gain it.

As a freshman, I would probably be lucky if 10 people knew my name. Sure I had my friends, but I was a quite person, not that quiet is always a bad thing. But North Davidson has taught me to step outside the box. Through classes, community, and co-curricular activities I have become a better person. A well rounded person with the ability to succeed.

I have been challenged to do more with my knowledge than ever here at North. Classes are not always just book work, but they involve discussions, presentations, and group projects. All of which involve the learner to defend their ideas. You must be involved in each and every class, there was never any time for me to hide in the back and be forgotten about. In eighth grade I would have never dressed up like Tiger Lily for a project, spoken Spanish in front of a class, or even had a blog for anyone to read.

As I became more comfortable in the classroom, I branched out. My sophomore year gave me the jumpstart I needed. I, the quiet little girl, tried out and made the NDHS cheerleading team. Now, I stood in front of crowds of people and went to several sporting events. Cheerleading lead me to become more involved in the community by coaching several Arcadia Community Cheerleading teams. Always I had wanted to be a teacher, but this was my first time teaching. In front of a group of children, you have to have confidence because they are all looking toward you to lead them...and pass on confidence to them.

Throughout my years here at North Davidson, I have become an independent person. I am far from the girl who would stare at the floor while walking down the hallway. I am Emily, a spirited student and volunteer. One who has taken more than just book smarts away from North Davidson High School.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

And Still More...

Josh and Kelly at Prom Posted by Hello

Ok, so even though Josh was a little mean, I will still do him the favor of posting this picture for him. Doesn't he look just so.....ah well never mind, you can fill that part in by yourself. Cute date, though.

Top of the 9

Well its offical, I have now beat my father at a sports game. Before this time period My dad had ruled the Sports Genre with an Iron fist but today I demolished my dad in a baseball game called 2K5 an ESPN licenced game. I beat him in the top of the ninth with a score of 17-1 in favor of the Yankees. OH YEAH IM THE MAN.

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