Top of the class, I'm sure.

So, while I am only going off to college, my brother, Mitchell (or Mitch-the-itch as we like to call him), is making the big transition to middle school. Ah yes, I remember those days, a time of prison-like structure, shrieking bells, and little kids with big attitudes.
This is his "senior year" so to say, a very important one I am sure. Today, all the 5th graders at his school went bowling and then out to eat at the Mexican restaurant. Seeing as I had exams and got out at 11:15, I went and met him. Apparently, he was wayyy too cool for my mom and I to sit with him, but I did get some awesome pictures. Later I got him out early from school, so I think that qualifies me as the best sister on the Earth. Anyway, though I was shunned by a 5th grader, I still had a pretty good time and eventually Mitchell was over by me a whole bunch to take pictures.
I offered Mitchell a chance to dictate to me anything, but he wasn't creative enough. He said something about having a "good time, so there!" Anyway, does anyone have any advice for Mitch-the-itch's big transition? Leave a good inspirational comment to embarrass him!
Congrats to all the seniors, everywhere.
My inspirational advice: Don't act like you're better than everyone else---you'll be the youngest in the middle school and no one wants to deal with the inevitable bratty 6th grader. So don't be that kid!
And have fun. Yeah. Hate to break it to you, but I personally think middle school is the worst. Elementary is good, 8th grade is a little better than 6th and 7th, and high-school is awesome. But middle school...ick.
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