Love to Hate It
Yes, I admit it, I get sucked into stupid reality shows like that. Especially during the summer. I only watched American Idol this year, last year it was American Idol and Average Joe. I loved Average Joe. In fact, somehow I loved it even though I hated it.
Let me just tell you how much I hated Average Joe. The basic premise of the show was that all these "average" looking guys lived in one house and competed for the love of one beautiful girl. Each week she votes a few out of the house. Sounds good, right? Sure, until half way through they bring in these hot guys. Of the 2 seasons I have watched, the girl has ended choosing between an average guy and a hot guy. Can you imagine who wins? Hotness. ALWAYS. Makes me so mad. They end up breaking the relationship off in the next few weeks after they get back from whatever trip they win together. The girl then cries about how she should have chosen the other guy.
After the first season, my mother and I sat stunned on the couch. "We are never watching this stupid show AGAIN!" we said. Next season, there we sat, amazed when the girl again choose the hot guy. I was amazed that the hot guy won (so gullible to NBC's trickery). Of course, for the 2nd season they had to have something new so this time, the girl had a secret from her past. She could only tell the guy who won. After she told him, he dumped her. Does anyone know what that secret was? I do. She use to date Fabio. Who breaks up with someone because of that?! I started laughing when I saw her tell the guy on TV during the finale. How does that make someone mad? "I am never watching that show AGAIN!"
I heard the next season is coming out soon.
Anyway. I think I am gonna have to watch this Beauty and the Geek. It sounds about the same. Only on the advertisement I didn't see anyone ugly. I am sure I will be just as mad at the end. Why do I get so wound up about a stupid show? And then, I watch it again, even though in the back of my head I know it will end the same.
Girls are stupid.
Do guys get wrapped up in these shows? I can just see guys sitting at home with popcorn watching Average Joe saying "I am never watching this again! Why wouldn't she pick the smart, ugly guy. I am never gonna get married."
I mean, that is what I do. Well, not when watching Average Joe, but when I see other shows with all those pretty girls. "Its hopeless," I think.
Sort of like being on the cruise. That much prettiness should not be allowed in one place.
Why do we watch these things that make us feel bad. Or maybe I am the only one who feels bad after watching these things. Regardless, why do I watch them. I could be....reading a book, or ah, writing a blog entry on the stuff I did that day. Something. But NO, I get sucked in every time.
I'm gonna work hard not to get pulled in this summer. Maybe I will run more (or at all), so I look like people that I am not watching on the TV.
I just went to The Beauty and the Geek website, I have never seen such good-looking geeks. It could be a good summer.