Thursday, March 31, 2005

Throwin' Rocks and Ringin' Bells

It's spring break, there should be something exciting to do, right? Sure sure, you could go to the beach or go skiing.....but that's not cheap, and who wants to do the same thing everyone else does? So, after a few circles around Walmart we headed back to my friend Carey's house were we proceeded to sit on her front porch and count cars. Now, we waved at every car that went past and do you think that someone would wave! We figured they just didn't see us, so we moved our lawn chairs to the end of her driveway and started waving and counting again. After a lull in passing cars, we proceeded to pick up small rocks and throw them across the street to see how far they would go (not very far seeing as neither of us play softball or baseball).

This became much more entertaining than you might think. We watched each thrown rock intently to see how far it would go and what its lateral movement would be. Some rocks even exploded when they hit the ground! Woo, I tell ya, it was good fun. As you can imagine, we ran out of rocks and had to find more.

Now, this whole scheme was concocted just to pass time (if you can imagine) while waiting for Carey's older brother and his friends to come home. Walking down the road picking up rocks was probably not the most intelligent looking way to wait for someone, but it worked. Needless to say, when they pulled up, stopped beside us, and asked "what the heck?," Carey and I couldn't even answer because of all our laughing. We knew we looked stupid, but did we care?.....well maybe.

And not only that. It was later pulled out of me that my family has a "Visitor Bell," a big bell that my dad attached to the top of our front porch. Yes, if you visit my house we will ring the Visitor Bell, we always have and probably always will. The Visitor Bell doubles as a "get-your-butt-home-Mitchell bell." In other words, a signal for my little brother to come back home because it is lunch or dinner time, or for some reason we need him. And yes, I have caught myself telling him (in my not-so-deep southern accent) "Now Mitchy, you better make sure you can still hear that bell ring. Don't go too far, and you know you can't hear that bell ring if you are in someone's house."

Did I mention I am the Davidson County Soil and Water Conservation Girl? Ah yeah, I should stop now.

Golly Gee, I think I do need to go away to school.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Hotness Scale

I like to think that there is a "hotness scale." This hotness scale is not simply set, it fluctuates depending on what you are wearing/how your hair looks/how you are feeling. Now, I just got my hair cut, this hair cut seemed to get me out of the funk I was in yesterday and I hopefully look just a tad better. Now, with all of this factored in, I think I jumped up one on the hotness scale. But, here is the high can you jump with changes? Can I max out at a 7? Or can you always improve?

I think you max out.

Now, if 2 guys were to look at me at the same time.....would they both give me the same number? Would a guy higher on the guy-hotness scale give me a lower scale score?

Now, you are all wondering "what the heck brought this on?" A conversation with a friend, we are weird like that. We were wondering if one figure feature is better to have than another. Is it better to have boobs or butt? Should a guy have nice arms or a six pack? I know my answer, but can one feature really be better and make you rank higher?

What about dating above or below your rank? Truly, how often do you see it happen? I guess you can. I heard on the radio that you can date either 3 up or 3 down on a 10 point scale. So, if you are a 7 you can date a 10 or a 5. Humm, maybe that was a 2 point jump....2 points up or 2 points down. I can't remember now.

How much does this scale matter? I think it matters a lot more than people want to admit. Everyone knows that first impressions are important. This ranking is just a part of that first impression.

Then again, can you change your number?

This is kind of intersting, I guess I am open for comments.

Monday, March 28, 2005

A New Face

Well, hi everyone. So I was cleaning out my email, and I found this one email from Josh that said simply "Help me with this please." Now that I think back, I do remember recieving it, but I never acted. Hey! Now it is spring break and I got time on my hands, so why not? I have been getting a bit annoyed (of course not with you, Josh) that this blog isn't updated too often. Not to say that I will be keeping it up-to-date, in all likeliness this might be my last post. Regardless, I am sure it is gonna shock the heck out of Josh when he opens his blog one day and finds a post that he never wrote.

As you might be able to tell already, Josh and I are a bit different. To start with, I like to use capitalization and punctuation when I write. Of course, it is no where near perfect, but it is a bit more perfect (and hopefully easier to read) than Josh's. Other than that, well, ahhhh...I am a cheerleader. Well, I guess that's not the case anymore seeing as we just got back from my final cheerleading competition (which we won!). Josh is a lowly Band Geek. That's another thing, I am a senior in high school, Josh is a junior. I would defiantly consider myself a much more liberal person than Josh, so this could become interesting (I don't agree with the Feb. 21st entry). Or it could simply become a recap of our days. I could go on forever, but no one would ever read that much. Lastly, I am Josh's ex-girlfriend. Ah yes, I see eyes perking up now. A bit more interesting isn't it? Gee, I hope Josh doesn't mind that I am giving out all this information...

I'm looking forward to future posts (that are hopefully more interesting than this)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A friend returns


let everyone there know I said hey. Rigt now, I am extremely sick, I have been hrowing up for the past 15 days and have been to several doctors. I am not yet recovering, and I hope you will get this message out for me. I need you to ask Christa if we are still together or not, because she has not seemed to contact me. so please respond with her answer, and tell her I love her and miss her, and really wish to hear from her. How are you doing? school still the same as always? Let everyone around there know that I am again failing a math class, big shock.
your friend,

This is the email i recived a few day ago from a childhood friend who moved away some time ago and had not heard from sence.
Im glad she finally emailed me i was really worried about her well being and still am.

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