Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sitting In Murphy's Room

People to my left and people to my right, people behind me and a computer in front of me. The teacher walks around slowly and hawk-like, searching for any sign of mischief. I Twist my neck as to pop the vertebrate in my back but, I'm really seeing where she's at. She sits down at here desk to fill out her grade book with nothing but F's. I seize the moment to cause havoc on the web, I switch my screen from work to play and begin my day of discontent. I start by going to my blog and expressing that days remarks to the people of the world, only to find that comments have been left that are a bit scary. I then turn my gaze to things anew that have found there way to my shopping cart I sift through them with a fine tooth comb, then discard with a simple click. I Finally move on to the "Unknown Geek" who gives me a laugh and smile to share with world and make a new friend. Then with a quiet "tap tap tap" my day is over and my fun is done. I no longer find my self sitting Mrs. Murphy's room But the side view office of Dr. Crowell. --Neko (


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