Need Your Help

Really, I do. Does anyone really know the "rules" of dating? Are they outlined somewhere, or should someone have told me them? I mean, I have my own personal rules about kissing or stuff like that (and I guess they are right?), but then there is stuff that I just don't know about. In my ignorance to dating, I don't want to leave others feeling hurt. I just have simple, if not stupid questions about dating. You know, like how many times do you go out with someone before it is more of a committed relationship? What’s the best way to say "no" to a second date (or first or third for that matter)? Is it ok to go on dates with 2 different guys at the same time, or is that kinda slutty? Anyway, if you have any opinions/answers, feel free to leave some comments.
Ok, now to the picture. So my new job at the library is, um, well, a job. I get to do cool things like move computer mouses (mice?) to wake computers up for people who think they are broken, find books for people who don't even attempt to look themselves, put paper in the printers, and update my blog! The woman in the picture isn’t me, but just imagine smiling, helpful me sitting there with a nice glowing "Information/Reference" sign above my head. On exciting days we get new books in and I get to take the old ones downstairs! Sometimes, people ask me for a stapler!
You think I would meet hot smart guys there, but they just pass on by.
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