The List
I'm such a loser. I went out on a perfectly good date, with a perfectly nice guy, and had a perfectly good time, yet I still came home and thought about my ex-boyfriend. I thought how much I miss him and how much I wish he could be here right now. Those thoughts spiral me into thoughts of how maybe my mother is right when she says that every time I eat a cookie that's one more day I will have to live at home because I won't be married. Eventually, I see myself as the crazy cat (or, at this point, maybe rat) lady, you know, the ones that carry on whole conversations with their pets (seeing as my roommate tells me to stop talking to the rats, I figure I am well on my way). Anyway, in order to think about the good things and not the bad, I am making a list of only the good things that have come out of this breakup (I'm sure I could make a bad list, but I am trying hard not to get much more depressed):- I actually have stuck to my workout schedule.
- at least now I don't feel fat and lazy
- I go to bed at an earlier time
- I go to bed at a somewhat consistent time
- I don't rely on others to entertain me as much
- I probably just rely on MTV for that
- I've made sure I look just a little nicer, at least when I go off-campus
- ok, so maybe I don't always look nicer, but I think about attempting it
- I wore makeup today when I went to the mall
There are probably more positive things, but I think I might see them with time (hopefully).
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