I was playing a cool new Demoed version of the Game
Shadow of Colossus, A quite unique sequal to the Cult favorite
ICO. Its larger than life Level (yes theres only one because The entire world is the level), lush graphics and gothic style music blend seamlessly into what appears to be a great game. Hey Tiff you did you get my Email? well if you didn't check you inbox then see if you can figure out what i have in-store for you on the 14
th. Anyway Shadow Of colossus is one Heck of a game I suggest to anyone who was a fan of ICO. Here's a few screenshots from Both ICO (top) and S.O.C (bottom)

I'm gonna get my games back when I come home!!!!!!! If I find out that Laura and Joey have been circulating my games throughout the band so help me.........!!! And I haven't forgotten that you still have my FFVII soundtrack, I'll be wanting that back too. And as to you post, it makes me extremely happy to find out about the Ico sequal! I can't wait!
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