Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I think that high school has finally said its last word. Yesterday I got a letter from Guilford College (where I will be attending next year, for those out of the loop). I half expected this to be some letter that isn't all too important, if not that, I thought maybe the envelope would hold the key to who my roommate will be. Neither of these were correct. As I opened the letter a half slip of paper fell out. It looked was my AP score! Heck, who cares what the letter says...I have got to know the grade. You have to understand that I took the AP English Lit/Comp exam in mid-May. Two months is a long time to worry about a test grade. For the past week I have been checking the mail everyday expectantly. Much to my surprise, I "passed." I say "passed" because grades are given in a 1-5 scale and, on depending what college you go to, some require higher grades to place out or receive credit for classes. In fact, some colleges don't even accept the grades, they just want to know students took challenging classes.

Anyway, I got a 3! Passing for me. Sure, it would have been awesome to get a 4, but I am really happy with my 3. With my 3 score I place out of English 101 and 102 and get to jump right in to Historical Perspectives (a History/English class). My junior year I scored a 4 in AP US history...that placed me out of a class and gave me some credit. It was a little sad to see a score drop between the years. But...oh well! I'm glad I took the AP English class, I actually do think I learned something. Sometimes it was tough love (quite a few duh and so?'s on test papers) but ultimately it was fun and I learned....and I passed!

Seeing as Guilford had my scores (note: I have not received them from College Board millions of high schoolers premature gray hair) I went, just for kicks, to the Bannerweb program online today. Bannerweb is an online program that Guilford uses to allow students to apply, view their classes, register, drop/add classes, all sorts of stuff. I clicked on "student schedule" and behold (!) there it was, as plain as day. It took a while to figure out why I have 5 classes and not only 4 (I think I understand...). Anyway, I am pretty happy with my schedule, I only have one class on Friday's and most days I have only 3 classes. Wednesday will be the hardest with classes starting at 8:30am (Spanish 101) and ending at 10:10pm (Chaos Continues, a first year class). I definitely think it is going to be weird having a class from 7:25 to 10:10pm. But, it is this kind of introductory class where students "...discuss their transition, time management, study skills, and campus resources as well as to get acquainted with the complexity of college life." Also, you don't get 4 credit hours, only 1, so I assume (hope) it will be easy.

Ok, I am going to stop rambling on and tell you something important or at least something you want to read.

Um. Last night I went to the coffee shop with Tiffany, Josh/Neko, Deanna, and Joe. We had a good time, everyone's personal space was violated. Later Josh dropped out and some more people met up with us at my house for a good porchin' session. I'm sure the neighbors were thrilled.

Tomorrow is yet another day off work, I think I will go preorder the new Harry Potter book. I am planning to go to a party Friday night at Barnes and Noble, so I want to make sure I can pick it up there. I hope everyone is cool and goes to a Harry Potter Party at Midnight!


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