Sizzling Scissors Chop!

Real life portrayal of a dream I had while at camp. Maybe I ate too much cobbler....

Back, tired, a bit confused at the technology around me, and wondering what to write. I mean, for all purposes I could write about all the cool stuff I did at camp (which will probably come up anyway), or maybe all the inside jokes (not as many as in previous years), possibly tell of all the cool people there. But that would be boring, right?
Too bad.
So, as you should have noticed from my lack of entries, I left on Sunday for John's River Valley Camp. The best place in the world. It rained and it was hard carrying all my junk up the skinny, steep, wet hill. Monday we hung around the camp and did some camp service projects in small groups. Luckily, my group the sizzling scissors (1-2-3 Sizzling scissors chop! shh shh shh shh!), got to stand in the cold, cold John's river and catch branches and logs from a fallen upstream tree that was being chopped up. OH BOY!
Tuesday was time for rock climbing and hiking. That night we pitched tents and spent the night even more in the middle of nowhere then we already were. Wednesday we swam in the even colder Huntfish falls. Burrrr. Then we hiked back to the van and finished up the Queen cd on the way back to camp. Thursday meant waking up at 4:30 am to drive to Banner Elk for a most awesome whitewater rafting trip on the Nolochucky River. Probably one of my favorite days. Friday we went to Anthony's creek (the coldest water of the week) and then I watched some people (guys, mostly) play ultimate frisbee. A game I just don't understand. What a great week. It went by so quickly.
In addition, it was kind of a weird week. Lots of people this year, not at all like last years 15 or so campers. With 31 campers it was really hard to get to know everyone. Not that I am discouraging anyone from going. But it was hard. And lots of younger people, you could see a split in the camp, I think. Maturity levels were different between lots of the campers.
But it was fun. And sad. All at the same time. It was my last year as a camper. Yeah, I can come back as a SCAT (counselor)....but it won't quite be the same. It is very unnerving to think that people might possibly start thinking of me as an adult. That, while I might be the smallest, I'm the oldest out of all the senior high campers. I guess it is just one of those things that make you realize that life is passing quickly...even though you don't notice.
But in no way am I saying I am old. Older, hardly.
And before anyone asks me again, I am hoping to be on SCAT next year. So watch out. Wow, you know what that means.....a whole summer at John's River!
Ahhh, Nice blog entry! I'm so depressed. I am missing everyone so much. This def. was the best year on the wraft, I loved our guide and our group. And I agree, it is unnerving that we are the oldest campers and will soon be considered adults...but HECK YAH...SCAT next year, whole summer at camp!!!!!!! Did we really convince Curly to interview us?! Hahaha, he doesn't know us does he?! Tee heee!!!
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