Thunder, Lightning! (the Way You Love Me is Frightening)
I don't remember it raining this hard all the time. This year has been quite a wet one. Does anyone remember the years and years we were in a drought? Remember... you couldn't get water at restaurants and even the cities said no watering your lawns.
If you went to John's River Valley Camp in your (or my) middle school days, you would remember swelteringly hot weather. Now that I think of it, it blows my mind that I actually wore pants this year. I have never worn long pants at JRVC since they made us on hikes in elementary school. But this year, it was a bit chilly at night.
It wasn't as rainy this year at camp as in the past two years. The year before we were wet all the time, but we did get to actually get to do some stuff. And we had lots of fun canoeing and going on a tubing relax down the Johns River. The year before that, though, was BAD. I'm talking, never dry, smelly, sit in the rain and look at each other kinda weather. The year "harvard" became known as "Harvard." I believe that might have been the first rainy year (at least in a long time). Must have been, because we were not prepared. Now we have a tarp over the fire circle and some non-skid stuff on the wood bridges. I even remember that year having to raise one of those small bridges because water was going way over it.
Weird how it kind of goes in a pattern.
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