Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The United Church of Christ

Yes, I am a United Church of Christ (UCC) member. I thought it was a rip-off when the networks banned our commercial. As a business, they have the power to decide what they want to show and what they don't, and I understand that. But I don't understand why they have found this add so offensive. Either way, you can see it online, and hopefully our message of inclusiveness will travel by word of mouth. I encourage anyone and everyone who has an interest to find a UCC church in your area and give it a try.

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at the United Church of Christ.

Sadly, NBC & CBS choose not to air our ad of inclusiveness.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also attend a UCC church and I really liked the ad when I saw it. At first, I did find it a little's almost going against all other denominations when you first see it. But if you take it for what it is---going against churches that discriminate against others for certain factors---it's a really good ad and it accurately shows how a lot of churches are. But it doesn't portray how ALL UCC churches are (just like it doesn't portray how ALL other denominations are). My UCC church isn't exactly what you would call open-minded, even though that is what UCC is supposed to teach. So, I can see why it could be considered offensive but I also happen to like the ad and I think it's good.

I enjoy being UCC and I'm glad I know someone else who is. In fact, you're the only one I've met before!

6:27 PM  

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