Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Under No Circumstances

That box of chocolates is gone. At this point in the morning, it sounds like a real good idea to run tomorrow. Of course, at a much more sensible time tomorrow morning it will sound like the most horrible idea in the world.

I could say I would wait till after camp to start my diet. But you don't know the logistics of this years camp. Seventeen boys, eight girls. Seeing as camp doesn't have electricity or running water nearby, I will look horrible anyway. I might as well look decent in a bathing suit, right?

This sorta-kinda leads me to something that really annoys me. Try not to take personal offense, but today I was shopping because I need some t-shirts, and I couldn't find anything. Not because nothing fit, but because every shirt had some stupid saying on it. No, I am not talking about something that says "Miami" or "Athletic Dept." That's fine. In fact, that is what I was looking for. I have so many solid, plain shirts. Most of them are kinda hoochie, or at least not a t-shirt. All I wanted was 2 or 3 t-shirts with some writing on them so I can mix up my wardrobe.


Under no circumstances will I ever wear a shirt that says "Limited time offer" or "Spoiled Rotten" and especially not "I will if you will."

Is there something about girls that we think saying bad stuff on our shirts will make people think "nah, she can't be that must just be her shirt"? Or, do guys like girls wearing shirts that say dumb stuff like that? I just don't understand....I would never want to profess my flaws to everyone (you know, that I am "spoiled," a "brat," or a hoochie ["I will if you will"]).

Maybe I am the only one who doesn't like them. Or mostly, I would never wear them. But it is really hard to find any shirts. What happened to a shirt with a palm tree design that said "Bahamas"? Those use to be really popular. But the saying shirts are taking over! Help. All I want is a decent looking shirt (or two).

PS- Everyone look up at the top of this blog, check out that name. Has anyone ever wondered who the "man" (might should be "boy") is of this blog? Sometimes even I wonder. I think everyone should email Neko/Josh, call him, or in some way annoy him until he comes back. Everyone is probably tired of seeing pink entries.

PPS- The bathing suit thing and the shirt stuff connected because I went shopping for both of those things today, and had no luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wholeheartedly with you, girl. I would never wear shirts that say stuff like that.

Try checking out Old Navy, they have some cute shirts like what you're talking about.

This is probably the reason why most of my shirts come from either Hot Topic, Old Navy, or Wal-mart. I don't want a shirt saying "Spoiled" anymore than you do. Those are for people who are spoiled [I]brats[/I]!

I don't know guys' opinions on tops like these but I know my guy likes me just fine in what I have so buying these shirts is unnecessary.

Let the girl power prevail!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Emoney said...

Gah! I went to Old Navy and even they have started getting into this "fashion." It did at least seem that they were in the middle of restocking their shirts, because only the ugly ones were left.

Really, I just want a shirt!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know thats pretty funny, my little sister actually has some shirts like that. She even has one that says "Brat" on it, I personally wouldn't mind if she wore this shirt all the time; because she would let people know what she is like before they even met her. This would help alot of people out and there would be a lot less phone calls asking for her.

Emily I'm glad you didn't get any of these shirts, they really don't fit your personality, and your not like that anyways.

Oh and about Jenkins, its true I've done some searching on here, and it has been awhile since he has posted. Even with a job now he should still have time to write.

Well thats my spill,


6:14 PM  

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